by denenemillner_imysx2 | Jul 27, 2022 | Family
(Originally published on Memories of the day I found out the boy I loved was loving on someone else are stuck on my brain like some Technicolor scab. The moment stays vivid not just because of my own misery, but because of my mother’s reaction. Upon...
by denenemillner_imysx2 | Sep 28, 2022 | Family
(Originally published on For Mother’s Day 2018, Yahoo Lifestyle asked women to share stories about something they understood about their moms only after becoming mothers themselves. This is the third in the series; you can read the first here and the...
by denenemillner_imysx2 | Aug 15, 2022 | Family
(Originally published on My older daughter, Mari, was 10 years old when I told her what abortion is. I would have rather saved the conversation for when she was a bit older, but she’d seen the New York Times lying next to her cereal bowl and read the...