German Edition of ONE BLOOD Released!

German Edition of ONE BLOOD Released!

Willkommen in der Welt, ONE BLOOD! That’s “welcome to the world” in German, baby! What’s the reason for the German welcome, you ask? Well, today is the official pub day for the German edition of ONE BLOOD—the first of eight publishing dates for my new novel. That’s...
Welcome to!

Welcome to!

How crazy is it that after all these years as a writer—almost thirty-seven, to be exact—here it is, a website dedicated solely to Denene Millner. Isn’t she lovely?  Why am I just getting here? Well, I am an author, journalist, blogger, TV show host and podcaster who...
Letting My Girls Be Vulnerable

Letting My Girls Be Vulnerable

(Originally published on Memories of the day I found out the boy I loved was loving on someone else are stuck on my brain like some Technicolor scab. The moment stays vivid not just because of my own misery, but because of my mother’s reaction. Upon...
Tending My Daughter’s Crown

Tending My Daughter’s Crown

(Originally published on She was rushing past me into the bathroom, a whir of caramel skin and blue jeans and reddish-brown locs flying behind her, when I noticed the patch of uneven Afro stretching across at least a third of the back of her head....